Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The first poems meaning is pretty obvious a new mother in a hospital, not only being celebrated but judged by the people that see her only as the single mom with the bastard(in its literal meaning) child. They don't see the light eminating from her face, they only notice the empty place where the father should be, adding the melancholy element to the poem. The second poem is more of the humor in getting old and all the disuseful knowlage you aquire over the years that just seams to slip away with every new piece. The frustration that you experience through once being able to remember something then one day having no idea it exsists. through it's humor you can see the real emotion and meaning, the longing for youth.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
In the story, the title is the phrase in which the motif is based. It is a sin to kill a mockingbird because the are innocent. There are two main examples, Boo Radley, and Tom robinson. Tom's innocence is easily recognised because he is in a trial. He was convicted of a crime that he obviously didn't commit. Boo's innocence is just a little deeper. The town sees him as a lost cause that should be shut up in his house, while he just wants to help people. The children are interested in boo because of his exile from society, he connects with them because they don't judge him as harshly as the adults of Maycomb do.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i thought cracked glasses were a very accurate symbol of Atticus Finch, because he is an intellegent man. But society looks at him through cracked glasses seeing only the person defending a black man and not the kind hearted man who cares for all mankind.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I am a younger sibling my sister who is a senior this year had always been my age once, so I learned most of my lessons from her triumphs and failures. But one lesson was important enough that I learn it from her and have my mother tell me it multiple times. When my sister was a freshman and going into her sophomore year she got good grades but not quite what my family wanted, and the reason was because she didn't turn some things in. But she got over it, last year, her junior year; she had a 4.0 for both semesters. So the lesson my mother told me was, "Don't wait to be serious in school, because it might come back to haunt you." it hasn't come back to haunt my sister yet but she worries about it sometimes.
Until recently I didn't really take school all that seriously. I went to Lincoln which doesn't help, but my attitude was very similar to this years so far, I would generally get good grades on the stuff I would turn in but I would not turn some things in. now I’m realizing that in my weaknesses, such as this class it isn't just good enough to turn things in. You have to have put some time and effort in to it. And also I’ve learned that extra credit is your friend, always do it.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
best friend
my best friend might appear to be an egoist, his what's in it for me personality is that of a teenage boy, but underneath, at least to me his is an introvert, he isn't always thinking about intellegent things but he is always worried about his appearence, hense the compulsive physical activity.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Catch-22: tone
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
When a book starts out slow I tend to get bored. I'll continue to read it until about halfway through and if the action hasn't picked up by then the book will end up under my bed squished between the hotwheels and a water glass. But when I find a book that can interest me within the first pages it won't last three days.